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Delays with Immigrant Visas at the US State Department (DOS)

During the pandemic there has been an understandable delay with immigrant visas (permanent residence) but these delays are now stretching well past a reasonable time frame to get back to normal processing and normal processing times.  The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has submitted to DOS an analysis of the problems we are seeing with the immigrant visa process (as opposed to the nonimmigrant visa process which has its own share of problems). 

There is a lot of information in the AILA document so it is attached to this article if you wish to see why your case is being delayed at the US consulate.  Interestingly, the National Visa Center (NVC) does not have as many problems as the consulates which is curious since both entities are managed by DOS.  Hopefully, DOS will take the AILA suggestions seriously so we can start to see the return of basic efficiency to the immigrant visa process.

To read more about the delays with immigrant visas the US State Department refer to AILA Doc. No. 21102006 linked below.

Provided by:

David Swaim
Tidwell, Swaim & Farquhar, P.C.